The Chemo Pond 4th of July Parade will begin at about 10 a.m. Gather near Dean’s Landing to begin.
Here are some more photos of the ongoing dam construction at Leonard’s Mill from October 17-23. They show the removal of the rotting wooden crib and reinforcement of the coffer dam. There are tons of water flowing through the dam right now. The coffer dam had to be reinforced to hold back the additional 7 […]
Construction began around October 13 and will continue for around 2 weeks. An overview of the project entails the replacement of the wooden crib in the left spillway of the dam, placement of a rock weir in front of the left spillway to replace the seasonal boards in the spillway that helps control the water […]
For those of you who are new to Chemo Pond or are unaware of the ongoing issues we have had with the water level in the pond, here is a brief refresher. There are two dams on Blackman Stream between Chemo Pond and the Penobscot River. The functional one is at the Maine Forest and […]
Chemo Pond Lake Association 4 Yawaca Road, P.O. Box 23 Clifton, ME 04428 Name________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________________ Please Return with your $25 membership fee. Thank You!
Chemo Pond Lake Association has started a Facebook page called Chemo Ponders. It is a private page so you will need to be invited to join. This page is a great forum for news updates from an=round the pond, interesting wildlife sightings and beautiful photography. If you would like to be a part of this […]
We had a successful loon count on Saturday July 20th. There were 9 adults and 1 chick found in Chemo Pond this year. A big thanks to our loon counters Mick Evans and Ronda Dalton. We could use 1 more counter next year. If anyone is interested please email CPLA at For more information […]