February 26, 2022 dawned clear and cold. Over 114 ice fishermen and women spread out across Chemo Pond for the first annual Frost “Bite” Fishing Derby. The Derby was hosted by CPLA and sponsored by Darling Chevrolet in Ellsworth, who provided some of the prize money and all the raffle prizes, and Nolan Webber of Webber Tree Service in Eddington, who provided the trailer location for registration. Megan Webber provided a lunch counter service with chili, pulled pork sandwiches and more.

Cash prizes were awarded to the top three longest pickerel, bass and perch, $200 for first place, $75 for second place and $50 for third place. Several nice black crappie were also caught so a single prize was awarded to the longest crappie. Third place in the Perch category was a tie with Nate Deroche and Michael and Jacob Hill catching 10 inch perch. First place was also a tie with Tim Robinson and Ben Clark landing a 10 1/2 inch perch. In the Bass category, third place went to Scott Grant with a 17 inch bass. Second place went to Stephanie MacDonald with a 17 1/2 inch Bass. First place at 20 1/2 inches was won by Cody Woods. Third place in the Pickerel category was Caleb Clark with a 23 3/4 inch pickerel. Second place was won by Cody Woods with a 24 1/2 inch pickerel. First place was won with a 24 3/4 inch pickerel by Brye Clark. The longest Black Crappie was 13 1/2 inches caught by Bradley Downie. We gave a special prize to Jace Dupuis for catching the first fish of the day.

Raffle prizes, donated by Darling Chevrolet in Ellsworth, were awarded to these lucky four people. Kathleen Olsen won the two Yeti mugs. Kristy Butterfield won the Fit Bit Blaze. Alex Cyr won the $200 LL Bean Gift Certificate. The grand prize, a 43 inch flat screen smart TV was won by Dennis Burns.

Everyone had a great time and agreed we should do this again next year. A huge thank you to Geoff Johnson of Darling Chevrolet for the raffle prizes and cash prizes, to Nolan Webber, of Webber Tree Service, for the use of his trailer, Megan Webber for her yummy food, and CPLA members, Leslie and Larry Sturzenberger, Rudy and Dan Shorette, Kathy Trenholm, and Charlie Clemons for all their help and being there all day. See you next year!
Here are some photos of the day.