In these photos and video, we see the completion of the crib replacement in the left spillway. Walls were built both upstream and downstream from the old portion of the dam to the new concrete drib then stone was filled in between the walls. On the upstream side, mortared stone was placed to help seal the the new crib in place with the dam. Next you see the placement of large stones to begin the construction of the stone weir above the left spillway. The weir has two levels to slow the water through the spillway and protect the stonework around the crib. At the end of this section of photos there are two photos of the left spillway, one before construction and one after. You can see the improvement this repair makes in the dam. The last photos are of the beginning of the removal of the old roll dam. This dam has been in place for almost 100 years. It has been essentially non-functional for the last couple of decades due to erosion under and around it. With the stocking of alewives into Chemo Pond, it became an impediment to the adult fish leaving the pond in mid-summer if there was low water. With the roll dam gone, alewives will have unimpeded access in and out of the pond for spawning and the return of the juvenile fish to the sea.

Great documentation! Thank you