Chemo Pond Lake Association Newsletter #1

Welcome to the Chemo Pond Lake Association!

We know many of you are interested in developments since our meeting at the East Eddington Community Church in August.  You may have received an email from Vernita Leins which announced the formation of a steering committee whose mission was to create the foundation for a Lake Association.  The first meeting was held August 29.  This is what has been accomplished so far. 

  1. We have established a mission statement.  It is covered in the attached by-laws, but we will repeat it here since it provides a guiding light for our activities now and into the future.

“The purpose of the Association shall be to protect and preserve Chemo Pond through responsible stewardship.”

While the immediate goal is to address issues associated with the condition of the roll dam on Blackman Stream, we believe that this association has the long-term responsibility to support the overall ecological system of Chemo Pond. 

  • By-laws have been created.  Please see the attached.
  • The Steering Committee has disbanded and been replaced by a fully functioning Board made up of nine Directors.  Currently, the board includes:
    • Ron Colley, Bradley:                             ; 207-478-6242
    • Richard Fessenden, Bradley             ; 207-843-0573
    • Carolyn Miller, Clifton                         ; 207-944-3655
    • Rudy Shorette, Bradley                       ; 207-843-5575
    • Deborah True, Clifton                          ; 207-843-5930

Three of these positions will be up for election at the first annual meeting in July, 2018.  For more information regarding the board and its functions, please review the by-laws.

  • The Association is officially incorporated and is recognized as a non-profit, non-political organization.  Consequently, contributions are tax-deductible.
  • A data-base from all three towns, Bradley, Clifton and Eddington has been created.  As you will see mentioned below, we will need your help to ensure all potential members have been included.
  • Information is being gathered and conversations continue with state and local parties involved in the roll dam to determine ownership and repairs needed.

While much has been achieved, there is much more to accomplish going forward.  The status of the roll dam at the north end of the pond is our immediate concern, but we also realize that this association has a unique and essential role in ensuring the health and viability of the pond and its environs.  This can include:  monitoring water quality; defending against invasive plant/animal species; protecting native plant/animal species; ensuring all who enjoy these waters can continue to do so now and into the future.

As you can see, both our immediate and long-term goals need the energy and commitment from the entire community who call Chemo Pond “home”. So, this is how you can help:

  1. Become a member of the Association.  Any adult owner or resident of real property bordering on Chemo Pond is eligible.  There is one membership available per lot and the cost is $25 per year.   Please complete the attached form and include with your check made payable to:  Chemo Pond Lake Association.  Send to:  Chemo Pond Lake Association, 4 Yawaca Road, Box 23, Clifton, Maine, 04428.
  2. Participate in subcommittees that will form to address specific topic or issues.  Currently we have subcommittees to research invasive and protected species, roll dam, and membership.  New subcommittees will be formed as needed.
  3. Contribute to our Board meeting agendas.  We will announce our meetings, via email, at least 7 days in advance.  These meetings are open and are modeled after your typical town hall meetings.  You will be encouraged to participate at meetings by asking questions/making comments after regular business is concluded.
  4. Participate in special meetings.  We anticipate that when major decisions need to made that impact the entire community—such as the roll dam, special meetings will be called and the entire membership will vote on the issue at hand.
  5. Attend the annual meeting.  Our annual meeting will be held each year in July to ensure the greatest participation.  At the meeting, 1/3 of the Board seats will be up for election.  In addition, current topics will be discussed.  Notification of the meeting will be sent out well in advance.
  6. Contribute your ideas and knowledge to help guide the Board in making decisions that will be in the best interest of the community and the Pond and the larger eco-system.  The most efficient and effective way for us to advocate for our lake is to work together as a group and not as individuals.  As a group, we have more power and influence.  An individual is easy to ignore—-a group is not.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the lake, please to address them to one of the board members.  We are committed to representing all points of view.
  7. In order to use your dues responsibly, we would prefer to communicate with the membership via email.  This first correspondence is being done hard copy to ensure that all could be notified of these vital first steps.  Please provide your email address when you return the attached with your membership check.

Our hope is that the concern and comradery demonstrated in our first meeting at the Community Center will create a vibrant Association that will have a very real and positive impact on our Pond now and into the future.  We are planning on having an initial general meeting February 3rd, 2-4 p.m. at Comins Hall, 1387 Main Road, Eddington, with the purpose of connecting in person, provide updates on the dam and other projects in the works and to collect input from you on your interests and concerns.  All are invited, whether you have joined CPLA or not.  Please join us!

We wish all of you a holiday season filled with joy and peace.