Chemo Pond Lake Association  Newsletter #3

Fall 2018 Newsletter


The Board of the Chemo Pond Lake Association would like to thank all our members for their patience as we work on the issue of the roll dam. Although it appears that nothing has changed please be assured we have been very busy behind the scene. It is a very time consuming process arranging meetings with all the interested parties to determine the best way to stabilize the water level in our pond.

To date we have had 2 meetings with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), 1 meeting with the Department of Marine Resources (DMR) and 1 meeting with the board of Leonard’s Mill. This is a summary of our work so far:

  1. It has been determined that the Maine Forest and Logging Museum, a.k.a. Leonard’s Mill, is the owner of the land around the dam and therefore is the owner of the dam.
  2. We are in preliminary discussions with Leonard’s Mill to purchase the land around the dam and the dam. Ownership of the dam will allow us to maintain and manage the dam and to stabilize the water level in the pond. This will result in a financial commitment but we will not enter into an agreement without the approval of the membership of the lake association. Multiple fundraising options will be considered.
  3. We have employed the services of a licensed dam engineer to advise us on the purchase process and maintenance of the dam.

We hope to have more details before the end of the year.

In other lake association news, we are working in conjunction with the New Media Department of the University of Maine to develop a web site as discussed at this summer’s yearly meeting. We hope to have this up and running sometime in the spring of 2019.

In keeping with our mission statement regarding stewardship of the lake, we will be hosting an Invasive Plant Paddle courtesy of the Lake Stewards of Maine. Date and details will be forthcoming in the spring.

Please feel free to contact any member of the board if you have any questions.  Our contact information is on the next page.

Board of Directors

Chemo Pond Lake Association

Chemo Pond Lake Association Board of Directors:

  1. Charlie Clemons, Bradley:                 ; 207-299-2964
    1. Ron Colley, Bradley:                             ; 207-478-6242
    1. Richard Fessenden, Bradley             ; 207-843-0573
    1. Carolyn Miller, Clifton                         ; 207-944-3655
    1. Leo “Butch” Robichaud, Eddington
    1. Rudy Shorette, Bradley                       ; 207-843-5575
    1. Leslie Spencer, Clifton                        ; 207-884-8603
    1. Leslie Sturzenberger, Bradley          ; 315-569-7990
    1. Deborah True, Clifton                          ; 207-843-5930